Friday, September 3, 2010

what we do iin in class .

To DAY WE HAVE GYM and world language for specials. We had art for specials yesterday. This morning we have social studies. We wrote an acrostic poem for Mrs. Sveom. We learned how to play number line squeeze.

By: logan and Joey.


  1. Sounds like a super Fun day! I am so happy to hear about your day. Can you explain a Acrostic poem? Also, I am also not sure what number line squeeze is? Can't wait to hear all about it! Angie (Logan's Mom)

  2. Sounds like you are having a great day. How do play number line squeeze? It sounds interesting :) I love reading your blog and seeing what the Luehmann Learners are up to.

  3. Sounds like a super fun day! I love hearing about what is happening in your classroom. How do you play number line squeeze? Can't wait to hear about it! Angie (Logan's Mom)
